Pink Bourbon, Colombia

Pink Bourbon, Colombia

Lemon-Lime, Lychee, Peanut Butter




Pink Bourbon


1,500 MASL




Pink Bourbon is a coffee varietal that made waves when it was discovered in 2014. Found by accident growing wild on a coffee farm in Colombia, it impressed coffee drinkers in different nations no matter if it was roasted light to accentuate it's acid content, or dark to develop it's natural sweetness.

It had long been assumed that this coffee was a cousin to Red and Yellow Bourbons, varietals which originated in Yemen that have been been making great cups since at least the 1700s. However, 9 years after it's discovery in 2023, genetic testing revealed that Pink Bourbon was not a wild mixing of Red and Yellow Bourbon plants, it was actually an Ethiopian Landrace varietal. Landraces are coffees that grow wild in the perfectly suited Ethiopian soil, meaning that this coffee traveled from Ethiopia all the way to Colombia before taking root and being found!


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There is a lot to be said about how generational knowledge imparts quality onto a coffee crop. Many coffee farms are familial operations, with younger generations taking over once older generations are ready to retire.

Things are a little different with Luz Helena Salazar and her farm La Leona. Luz's husband Jairo Arcila was a manager at a coffee dry mill in their home country of Colombia, and through him Luz learned the operations of growing and processing coffee for the global market. However, her sons Carlos and Felipe took a different tact.

On top of learning the ins and outs of the farm, the brothers created a coffee exporting business known today as Cofinet. Their goal was to offer other countries high quality coffee from farms in Colombia, including the farms that they grew up in and around. They now export coffee all over the world from multiple producing countries, and we're lucky to be able to offer this wonderful coffee from their mother's farm.